
Perdition's Mouth - Revised Edition

Created by Timo Multamäki @ Arctic Union

This is not your typical dungeon crawl. Unique intuitive and Euro-style mechanics that support deep tactical and strategic decisions combined with strong co-operation and a dark and deeply emmersive theme put Perdition’s Mouth in its own category. Widely praised for its gameplay and uniqueness by players of the first edition. The game designers of Perdition's Mouth: Abyssal Rift (Timo Multamäki, Thomas Klausner and Kevin Wilson) set out to implement a new kind of dungeon crawl. One that embraces the European school of game design with clever mechanisms which emphasizes strategy while minimizing luck. Cooperation, planning and the enemy response deck eliminate the need for chucking dice, creating a tense combat environment with meaningful decisions! The rondels provide another tactical layer, including the enemy’s devious and challenging AI. We are doing a second printing of the original Perdition’s Mouth board game! This will be a Revised Edition, meaning error corrections and new content, but no changes to the fine-tuned gameplay we all love. So fans that missed the first campaign can join the fight against the Cult. And those having the first print can sign in for an Upgrade Pack.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Breaking News
over 6 years ago – Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 11:33:04 PM

“Let’s smash this goal,” said Tristan, and smash it you did. Maybe we should start using the same language to instruct you on a regular basis?

We’ve just hit the final Twitter goal of 150 retweets and as a result you’ve unlocked the extra scenario for The Hideout designed by Tristan Hall.

The Hideout Scenarios.
The Hideout Scenarios.

The next social media goal is for two extra treasure cards to go into the revised edition and upgrade packs. What are these treasures, you ask? Well, that’s up to you! Feel free to suggest treasures in the comments below and on BGG. We’ll collect together the ideas that we like best and add some of our own to the mix, then we’ll open a poll on BGG for you to vote and decide which ones should be included. We will open the poll when you hit the next social media goal.

How do we reach these goals? With your help! You can unlock these cards by assisting us in reaching 750 ratings of Perdition’s Mouth: Abyssal Rift and its expansions on BGG, or 75 shares of our posts on Facebook. Let’s smash this goal!

Every Night is Game Night

Nikolas did his first live stream last night, answering some of your questions and, after one or two technical problems, providing a live playtest of one of the new scenarios. Some of you asked afterwards if we could do another live stream discussing strategies for Perdition’s Mouth: Abyssal Rift and we’ll do that next week. This will see the return of Nikolas to your screens as well as Tiinaliisa - this time without her beard!

Timo will also be doing yet another live stream tomorrow night, 5pm UTC, Saturday 11th November, where he’ll discuss the localisation of Perdition’s Mouth: Abyssal Rift as well as how we cost and finance the game. Note that this is a little earlier than previous live streams (it will mean that Timo has to drink fewer pints of tea during the evening).

That live stream will come precisely one week after Timo and Tiinaliisa were interviewed by Jason, from Every Night is Game Night, about Perdition’s Mouth: Abyssal Rift. They spoke for about an hour and all of three of them told me afterwards how much fun they’d had. The podcast has just been published and I’m going to go and listen to it as soon as I’ve posted this update.

ENGN Preview Series 16: Perdition’s Mouth: Abyssal Rift
ENGN Preview Series 16: Perdition’s Mouth: Abyssal Rift


Almost a year after its first release, Perdition’s Mouth: Abyssal Rift is continuing to get good reviews. The latest of these is in Starburst Magazine and you can read it here.

We’re hoping for a massive final week of the campaign to make your game better. You should make my life a little bit more difficult (in a good way) by making me write lots of updates thanking you for unlocking things by telling everyone you know about the game and our Kickstarter campaign. If you’re seeing anyone at the weekend or if you’re just hanging out online, you can drop our name into every conversation:

‘I want to tell you about this game because I like you and it’s great.’

‘You remind me of a chil’een.' 'What’s a chil’een?' 'Glad you asked.’

See? Easy. If you’re on Facebook don’t forget to mention us there and if you’re on Twitter use the hashtag #dragondawnprod.

Lee and the DDP team.

Hola! & Ciao!
over 6 years ago – Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 12:59:57 PM

You did it! Just before I turned my light out last night I glanced at the campaign on my phone. There, in the comments was Timo:

‘Yihaa! We're over 75k!

I imagine you made him spill his tea.

It's an old image but we're sure you'll forgive us using it again in this campaign. Timo's face as he plays the game with Finnish Rock and Eurovision legends Lordi is priceless.
It's an old image but we're sure you'll forgive us using it again in this campaign. Timo's face as he plays the game with Finnish Rock and Eurovision legends Lordi is priceless.

What does this mean? It means you’ve unlocked another stretch goal. It means we’ll produce fully localised versions of the game in Spanish and in Italian. It means every copy of Perditions Mouth: Abyssal Rift Revised Edition will ship with two additional scenarios - one by a Spanish guest designer and one by an Italian guest designer. We’re really very excited about all of this.

We’re excited to make our game available to more people who don’t find it easy learning and playing a game in English and we’re excited to see what our guest designers come up with. Like the scenario by the German guest designer you already unlocked, and like the one designed by Tristan Hall that you already unlocked, we’ll be playtesting these ourselves to make sure that they’re every bit as tough, balanced and interesting as those we produce ourselves.

What’s involved in producing a localised version?

If you’re still not sure about this I’d really urge you to watch Timo’s live stream from yesterday, since he went into some detail about it. In short, as you know, we take pride in every aspect of our game, including the components. This means that the cards and scenarios are printed properly - not on demand. Each printed component is assembled with four coloured (R,G,Y,B) plates and one black (K) plate. When we make a localised version, it is just the K plate that is changed.

It’s still a lot of effort and a lot of expense, of course, but it’s important to understand the process. This is why we can’t provide translated pdfs. We don’t print our components digitally so we just don’t have the files.

We’ve enjoyed doing this live streams and answering your questions and the feedback we’ve got so far suggest you’ve been enjoying them to. We’ve now fixed a time for the next one, which, as mentioned yesterday, will be a joint broadcast between Nikolas and Tiinaliisa. They’ll be discussing Perditions Mouth: Abyssal Rift game strategy with you on Tuesday at 5pm UTC.

What’s next?

The next stretch goal is for 2 extra maps (1 double sided board) and 2 extra scenarios! I’ll talk more about this when we get there but you can unlock it by helping us get to US$82,500. You can do that by talking about Perdition’s Mouth: Abyssal Rift, rating the game and its expansions on BGG, retweeting on Twitter and using the hashtag #dragondawnprod, as well as sharing our posts on Facebook. You can find more details on how to do that, if you need them, in updates 4-6.

Lee and the DDP team.